High risk pregnancy & Exercise - krsna physio plus

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High-Risk Pregnancy and Exercise

Pregnant Exercise

A pregnancy is considered high risk when there are potential complications that could affect the mother, the baby or both.

The reason that a pregnancy may be considered high-risk includes-

  • Maternal Age

    One of the most common risk factors for a high-risk pregnancy is the age of the mother. Women who will be under age 17 or over age 35, there is a greater risk of complication on their baby. Risk of miscarriage and genetic defects further increases after the age of 40.

If there is a medical condition before pregnancy- 

Conditions such as high blood pressure, lung, kidney, or heart problems, diabetes, autoimmune disease, sexually transmitted disease or any chronic infection can risk for the mother and for her unborn baby.

A history of previous miscarriage or a family history of genetic disorders is also risk factors for a high-risk pregnancy.

  • Medical conditions that occur during pregnancy- 

    Even if you are healthy when you become pregnant it is possible to develop or be diagnosed with problems during pregnancy that can affect you and your baby.


It is a syndrome that includes high blood pressure, urinary proteins, and swelling, it can be dangerous. But with proper management, most women who have this disorder deliver a healthy baby.
Gestational Diabetes is a type of diabetes that develops during pregnancy. Women with gestational diabetes may have a healthy pregnancy and baby.

High- Risk pregnancy and exercise

There is some precaution all pregnant women should take, especially those who are considered high risk due to certain conditions or complications. If you exercised before pregnancy, the doctor may recommend that you keep up the same routine, but tone it down to avoid rapid and jerky movements.

Some high-risk pregnancy may be required bed rest, which means little to no exercise is allowed.

Some Exercise For High-Risk Pregnancies

  • Pelvic Bridging exercises
  • Leg Stretches
  • Neck Rolls
  • Shoulder Strengthening exercises
  • Walking
  • Padmasan
  • Pregnancy Squats
  • Meditation for relaxation, do all these types of exercises under the supervision of medical professionals.

Stop Exercises immediately when you feel

  • Chest pain
  • Shortness of breath
  • Uterine Contraction
  • Vaginal Bleeding
  • Pelvic Pain
  • Leaking amniotic fluid
  • Reduced baby movements inside the womb
  • Pelvic pain etc. and consult a gynaecologist immediately.


Content Reviewed by – Dr. Parmila Sharma